Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 4 and 5

Reading-In Reading, we are working hard at sorting out our reading groups and will finish all of our books by Wednesday. All students have to write a short summary using Evidence Based Terms about the book they are reading. 

5th Grade Writing-I am very impressed with ALL students in Writing! They worked very hard to practice and write their first Evidence Based Term paragraphs. Next week, we will learn about similes and metaphors.This is something they will do all year for Writing and especially in Projects to help them prepare for middle school.

4th Grade Writing-We learned and practiced relative pronouns and adverbs. I am very impressed with this class as well, they are working very hard at this standard! We will take an assessment on this standard next week after all students have mastered it in IXL. We will then will learn about progressive verb tenses. 

Projects-We have been learning how to take notes on an informal outline. They have all been working hard and learning this as well. After taking notes, they are to write a paragraph using their notes and Evidence Based Terms, most students were finishing this up on Thursday. Next week, when all paragraphs are done in each group, students will start building their models or putting together their presentations. There is only one group building a model, the Native American group, they should have brought their brainstorming ideas home to go over with you this weekend. We hope to get their supply list ready by Monday.

Auctions-Auctions will be held this whole week! Please send in at least one item with your child. This can be something small, something from the Dollar Store, something your child wants to make, or something even lying around the house that no one is using. The students are very excited about these auctions. They have been all working hard at earning as many Mac Bucks as they can. :)

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